The Black Feminist Collective SeeBlackWomxn Launches a Five-Part Art Event PROGRAM at the de Young Museum in San Francisco


We have to hand it to museums right about now — as cultural institutions that were already struggling to stay relevant in the wake of faux Instagram museums, the pandemic could have been a time that truly crushed these revered, art-filled spaces. Instead, museums, curators and artists did what they do best: got creative. The newest programming initiative here in San Francisco is one we are beyond here for. Black feminist collective SeeBlackWomxn has just launched a five-part digital event series with the de Young Museum designed to discuss the future of aesthetic and somatic expression in the contemporary Black Arts scene. Part of Virtual Wednesdays, a programming series that highlights diverse viewpoints that engage and reframe the museum’s exhibitions and collections, you can tune in every Wednesday at 5pm PST via the de Young’s YouTube channel.


A Bay Area collective of artists, activists, curators and writers raised on Black feminist theory, SeeBlackWomxn is a platform for self-representation free from the stereotypical tropes assigned to Black women. Black women have been the primary organizers, supporters, and participants in the movements for change and equality in this country — and yet their voices are rarely heard. In this series with the de Young, we’ll hear from the voices of collective cofounders Tahirah Rasheed, Angela Hennessy, Dana King, and Jamani Montague, connecting the contemporary Black Arts scene with the lineage and legacy of Black womxn artists of the diaspora.


Head here for the full schedule of Virtual Wednesdays programming, and see below for more details on SeeBlackWomxn’s five-part series. You can attend each event on YouTube at 5pm PST. 

March 10: Black Reactions with SeeBlackWomxn

This event documents artists in conversation about works from the de Young’s permanent collection, giving rise to a dynamic conversation on what is seen and interpreted from perspectives addressing Black visual and cultural literacy. 

April 14: Black Art Worlds with SeeBlackWomxn

Are Black creatives just grinding in the world of advertising or do they have any influence in the expansion and future thought of the Black narrative? This conversation delves into the power dynamics between artists, museums, and curators and the selection process that defines what “art” is.

May 12: Black Deaths with SeeBlackWomxn

This presentation reflects upon contemporary Black artists who are making work addressing the intersection of race and death. In the age of COVID-19 and the delusions of white supremacy, we will discuss how Black art and music has always been at the center of our cultural narratives of survival.

June 9: Black Feminist Futures with SeeBlackWomxn

Black women are envisioning new worlds of existence rooted in practices of liberation and joy. Forecast the future with contemporary Black artists and authors in conversation on the lineage and legacy of Black feminism.

July 21: Black Forums Live with SeeBlackWomxn

Join the de Young for a live interactive community forum with SeeBlackWomxn cofounders and guests from the series.


For more about SeeBlackWomxn, follow @seeblackwomxn on Instagram.


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