5 THings Friday

Get off the internet today. Yes, this internet. (BUT FIRST) Here are your antiracism actions steps for May 14.

born in gaza.jpg

Coming to you from the internet today to tell you to...GET OFF THE INTERNET TODAY. I know, don't ever hire me to run your web-based business, but the goal over here is the progress and evolution of humanity, and the internet is just. not. cutting it.

Yes, Instagram squares can build awareness and kick start some engagement in an issue, but today we are asking you to actually read the whole article, watch the whole documentary, or hell—read the entire book. Whether it's the complexities of apartheid in Palestine or the layered history of oppression in our own country, there are so many brilliant people who have dedicated their lives (and minds) to these issues, so stroll over to your local library or book store and dig in.

Also, take a walk, make a lunch date, or even throw a party. We are creepin' out of the wildest, most isolating year in history and engaging with other humans face to face will boost empathy and understanding—plus, it's FUN. Remember fun? Fun makes us better.

Here are your 5 Things.

READ THIS. If you're looking to understand what's going on in Israel and Palestine beyond the horrific headlines and social media bites, we suggest picking up these titles: The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017, by Rashid Khalidi; Freedom is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement, by Angela Davis; and Palestine Speaks, Narratives of Life Under Occupation. Movies more your vibe? Check out Born in Gaza, which is streaming on Netflix now.

GO TO THIS. Who needs a sound bath? (Raises hand) Tonight you can join Culture Club South Bay—the incredible team behind the activism around Bruce's Beach—for a free evening of unity and connection with a sunset sound bath in Manhattan Beach. "In honor of Bruce’s Beach, let’s come together, heal, and advocate for Social and Racial Justice. It’s been a brutal year for a lot of us and we are hoping this gathering can offer some healing and connection amongst the MB community!" says organizer Allison Hales. Even if you're not in the LA area, you can support this event (and future ones to promote diversity and inclusion in the South Bay) by dropping a donation to Venmo: @CultureClub.

DONATE TO THIS. Mother’s Day is over, but incarceration is not. Donate to Black Mama’s Bail Out so that mothers and caregivers can be with their families. Mother’s Day is a reminder that policing and mass incarceration are a reproductive justice issue. Parents should have the right to raise their children with safety and dignity.

GO TO THIS. Tomorrow (Saturday), there will be a family-friendly event and rally in support of Palestine in San Francisco's Mission District. The mural painting and community street art starts at noon on Valencia and Liberty street (which will be especially family friendly) followed by a rally at 2 pm. Organizers put out a call for volunteers to help provide security, so if you are security-trained and can help protect this antiracist event, please let us know as well and we will connect you with the organizers.

KNOW THIS. Thursday was the first official day of remembrance for the MOVE bombing in Philadelphia. On May 13, 1985, police dropped a bomb on a West Philly house. The fire caused by the explosion killed 11 people, an atrocity that Philly is still grappling with today. But don't take this social media posts word for it—dig into the history and present day activism here.


PODCAST: Larry Dorsey Jr.


5 Things Friday