5 Things Friday

How to deal when sh*t is especially overwhelming (like right now). Here are your antiracism action steos for August 20.


We're happy to be back...and really happy to be bringing you your 5 Things. Writing (and doing) the weekly action steps on this list has become something of a reflective, meditative action in our lives—something that helps slightly dull the anxiety when the state of the world is especially overwhelming (that would be now.)

For my Virgos out there, we like to think of it as that checklist of daily minor tasks that, once checked off, makes the mountain of the rest of your day seem suddenly scalable. From terror in Afghanistan to natural disasters in Haiti to stolen Indigenous land all around (and under) us, we've listed straightforward ways you can help, right now.

Check, check, check...and carry on. Here are your 5 Things.

DONATE TO THIS.  A 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck western Haiti last Saturday, August 14. As the largest non-governmental healthcare provider in Haiti, Partners in Health is deploying staff and supplies, and providing trauma and emergency care. Donate now to help save lives. For more ways to help (and for background on orgs to avoid, such as the Red Cross), keep an eye on the Haiti highlight on Dr. Akilah Cadet's Instagram feed. 

REMAITRIATE THIS. The Bay Area is home to diverse communities of Indigenous peoples. The Sogorea Te’ Land Trust is the first urban Indigenous women-led land trust in the country and is working to Rematriate the land in Lisjan territory. They are poised to purchase their first piece of land and a beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath house in Huchiun, East Oakland. This land, along with another property being rematriated directly across the street, will house Indigenous staff members and their families and provide office space and the first Chochenyo Language Institute. "They will also be the first two properties we have outright title to. This is a huge step forward in our work of Rematriation, taking this Lisjan land off the speculative market forever and providing long-term, affordable housing for our community." In order to purchase this house, they need to raise $750,000 by August 28th. Contribute here.

TEXT THIS. On August 24, the beloved Marsha P. Johnson—organizer, freedom fighter, and movement maker—would have turned 76 years old. Marsha died poor, young, and before she could “get her flowers.” For the entire week of her birthday, M4BL will uplift her life’s work, celebrate her legacy, and share ways you can support today’s Black queer and TGNCI movement organizations and formations. Text MARSHA to 90975 to get a reminder about the event and to stay plugged into ways to fight for the liberation of Black queer and TGNCI lives, including a virtual screening of the critically acclaimed short film, Happy Birthday, Marsha!.

VOLUNTEER FOR THIS. In a swift-moving insurgency, the Taliban has seized control of Afghanistan’s government, leaving many Afghans fearing for their lives. In the Bay Area, organizations have been working with Afghan refugee families in response to the United States completing its troop withdrawal after a 20-year war. The SF Chronicle has compiled a great list of how you can donate or volunteer with the local organizations working with families arriving from Afghanistan, such as Jewish Family & Community Services East Bay, which has said it will help resettle more than 60 refugees in the East Bay by the end of August. To volunteer, fill out the Community Sponsorship Groups form. You can make a financial donation herepurchase an item from the group’s Amazon Wish list or donate household items or furniture that are in excellent condition by contacting Ami Dodson at adodson@jfcs-eastbay.org. The International Rescue Committee in Northern California is raising $150,000 for its Afghan Soft Landing Fund to provide refugees who have arrived in the last six months with housing assistance. You can donate directly to the Afghan Soft Landing Fund here.

VOTE FOR THIS. If you live in California, you should have already received your mail-in ballot for the special election initiated by conservatives who want to recall Governor Gavin Newsm and replace him with a hard-right Republican. Open it now, VOTE NO on the recall and send it back immediately. A recent poll gives Mr. Newsom only a 3 percent edge among likely voters in the recall election, scheduled for Sept. 14. If he gets anything less than 50 percent, then the top vote getter among his opponents — at this point, the Donald Trump-backing, mask-mandate-opposing radio host Larry Elder, with only about 20 percent support among likely voters polled — would replace him. And it's not just a Republican governor we have to fear: It's entirely possible that Sen. Dianne Feinstein, 88, who is less than half-way through her six-year term and exhibiting some health issues, may not be able to carry out her entire term. If Newsom loses his recall race, that Senate vacancy would be filled by the new GOP governor. Making the 50-50 Senate, currently controlled by Democrats, is run again by Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell. Vote now (or on September 14) and volunteer here to make calls or knock on doors against the recall. 


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